How To Add Conference On ABCD Index - ABCD index Approved Journal

How To Add Conference On ABCD Index

abcd index conference

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Submit Your Conferences In ABCD INDEX

Increase your Conference Publication with Us

30000 + Journals Published  15,000 + Registered Reviewers

ABCD index website is a free access platform for everyone .

Provide All the information on this platform is freely accessible

to scholars, researchers, and academic area   350+ Conferences

Academic Business Current Data (ABCD) index is a free platform for scholars,

researchers, publishers, colleges, universities. Academic Business Current Data (ABCD)

platform get a systematic search with filters for international journals, publishers,

research papers etc. ABCD INDEX was developed with the thought that researchers

need a single platform that can provide correct information of all types of journals with

related indexing details. Lots of  people are running journals which are not doing their

work regularly, some journals have good indexing but have less attentive team to

respond. So that ABCD index  portal works in two different dimensions, first for

journal information and second for published papers. 


Writing something is easier than making it reachable to everyone. In that case, they always need something or some kind of platform where they can inform more people related to their studies to join that discussion and present their outcomes. Since most of the conferences are organized on short notice, organizers don’t have sufficient time to inform targeted audiences beyond their reach. In that case platforms like ABCD Index become quite handy to them. ABCD index is  a platform that provides free access to information national international also. They gave access to reach a global audience working in the same field;  to colleges, universities, research institutes, research labs, and others who wanted to organize conferences on their level ABCD index platform gives a facility to add conference on ABCD

platform to universities and other organizers who are seeking audience not only in their country but also globally.

Register Now and List your Conference

Search Desired Conference Now 

To add a conference on ABCD platform kindly use the

steps as follows:

Step 1 Open the ABCD index Website Then Your Redirect home page.

Step 2 On the top of the home page some menus like home, about, and reviewers are

visible on your screen; in this step click to the reviewer tab and select on the login or

signup option from the drop-down list of reviewer menu.

Step 3 The login page will be visible on your screen, fill in the login details like email

address and password then click on the login button.

         “login successfully” this message will be shown on the screen.

Step 4 - After You successful login in, one can see the dashboard of their account on the

left side of their page. Below the dashboard, some other options are also visible

there. Find and select conferences from the options given there.

Step 5 after clicking on the conference, a drop-down list will pop up, kindly select ADD

conference from the list. If someone wants to add more than one conference they

can add that as well.

Step 6 - A detailed form will be seen on your screen, kindly fill all the necessary details

related to the conference like organizer detail, type of conference, country, title on

which research papers will be accepted, starting date, end date, venue, coordinator

detail, official website, mode of the conference, etc.

Step 7 After filling all the essential information regarding the conference, kindly recheck the

information so that the possibility of neglecting any important detail will be zero or

remain minimum before submitting the form.

 ABCD index platform’s internal team will cross-check the details about the

conference mentioned in the form.  It will take 2 to 3 days to review the information

provided by the entity. ABCD platform supports transparent, credible, and

authentic conferences which make ABCD index a reliable partner and platform trusted

by global scholars and academics.After verifying all the details the ABCD index platform makes that live so that everyone

who is seeking a conference related to their stream can have all the information regarding

that particular conference.

 Scholars, reviewers, academics, universities, and other institutes who conductconferences or have knowledge of upcoming conferences can add conference

details on ABCD index platform so that interested scholars, academics, publishers,and students can attend and present their work in front of experts who excel in theirwork. 

Also Read - Upcoming Conference For Paper Publication

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. thanks for amazing information about this topic

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